Friday, August 2, 2024

Understanding the Surrogacy Process in Georgia with Select IVF


The surrogacy process in Georgia has become a beacon of hope for many aspiring parents worldwide, thanks to its favorable legal framework, advanced medical facilities, and professional support systems. At Select IVF, we are committed to guiding you through every step of this transformative journey, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.

Why Choose Georgia for Surrogacy?

Georgia is one of the few countries with surrogacy-friendly laws, allowing both heterosexual and single intended parents to pursue surrogacy. The legal framework ensures that intended parents are recognized as the legal parents from the moment of conception, eliminating many of the uncertainties associated with surrogacy in other countries. Additionally, Georgia boasts advanced medical facilities and a pool of healthy, well-screened surrogates, making it an ideal destination for surrogacy.

Step-by-Step Surrogacy Process in Georgia

1. Initial Consultation and Assessment

The journey begins with an initial consultation where our team at Select IVF discusses your needs, expectations, and medical history. This step is crucial in understanding your unique circumstances and crafting a personalized surrogacy plan.

2. Legal Arrangements

Georgia’s favorable legal environment simplifies the legalities of surrogacy. Our legal team ensures that all contracts between the intended parents and the surrogate are clear, comprehensive, and compliant with Georgian law. This step includes establishing parental rights, surrogate compensation, and other essential terms.

3. Matching with a Surrogate

Once the legal framework is in place, we proceed to match you with a suitable surrogate. Our surrogates undergo rigorous medical and psychological screening to ensure they are healthy and fully prepared for the surrogacy journey.

4. Medical Procedures

With the surrogate selected, we move on to the medical procedures. This involves preparing the surrogate’s body for embryo transfer through a well-coordinated medical protocol. Simultaneously, the intended mother or an egg donor undergoes an egg retrieval procedure. The retrieved eggs are then fertilized with sperm from the intended father or a sperm donor to create embryos.

5. Embryo Transfer

The fertilized embryos are cultured for a few days before being transferred to the surrogate’s uterus. This is a delicate procedure performed by our experienced fertility specialists. The surrogate then undergoes a period of observation to confirm a successful pregnancy.

6. Pregnancy Monitoring

Throughout the pregnancy, the surrogate receives comprehensive medical care and regular monitoring to ensure the health and well-being of both the surrogate and the baby. Our team keeps the intended parents updated with progress reports and ultrasound images, making them a part of the journey.

7. Birth and Legal Finalization

When it’s time for the baby to be born, arrangements are made for the intended parents to be present. The legal framework in Georgia ensures that the intended parents’ names are on the birth certificate from the moment of birth, ensuring immediate and unquestioned parental rights.

8. Post-Birth Support

After the birth, we provide post-birth support to both the surrogate and the intended parents. This includes medical care for the surrogate and assistance with the baby’s early needs. We also offer guidance on the legal procedures for taking your baby home.

Why Select IVF?

At Select IVF, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive and compassionate approach to surrogacy. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to making your surrogacy journey as smooth and successful as possible. From the initial consultation to the moment you hold your baby, we are here to support and guide you.

Embark on your surrogacy journey with confidence and peace of mind. Choose Select IVF for a trusted and reliable partner in making your dreams of parenthood a reality.

Get More Info :- Select IVF


Phone no :-8447592299

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